SofthouseChara Wiki
Akikaze's Advices

Akikaze will give advices every month. It can be about anything, be it her suggesting improvements in certain areas, guidance, or warnings. Her advices are included in the report.

Advice Translation
火の用心。 Beware of fire!
落ち着いて。 Keep calm.
時には解雇も。 Resting employees is necessary.
獣害は、獣罠で。 Use animal traps to lower damages caused by wild animals.
木を植えましょう。 Let's plant a tree.
宣伝してますか? Are you advertising?
雰囲気は、離れで。 Use separated facilities to improve the overall atmosphere.
お土産は大事ですよ。 Souvenirs are important.
お客様の好みは色々です。 Every guest has their own preferences.
所持金には、余裕を持って。 It's good to have more money than necessary.
美しい旅館を目指しましょう。 Let's make the Inn beautiful.
離れを好むお客様も居ます。 There are guests who like separated facilities.
仲居の数は足りていますか? Do we have enough waiters?
所持金と費用を比べましょう。 Make sure the upkeep cost doesn't exceed our money.
災害は、忘れた頃にやってくる。 Carelessness might lead to incidents.
お客様が来ない時もありますよ。 There are times when guests won't come.
色々な施設を設置してみましょう。 Let's build various facilities.
施設は何かと隣接していますか? Are all facilities connected to one another?
一月、三月、七月、十二月は稼ぎ時。 January, March, July, and December offer the best times to make profits.
二月、六月、十月は客足が落ちます。 We will get less guests during February, June, and October.
従業員関連の施設は意外と大事です。 Employee facilities are unexpectedly very important.
班長を長くやっていると、得意になるかも。 Be proud for being the division leader for a long enough time.
班長じゃなければ、体力は回復しやすいです。 Stamina recovers easily if one is not the division leader.
一人のお客様は、一日に最大三食必要になります。 One guest needs 3 or less meals per day.
獣罠が多過ぎると、お客様は不安に思うみたいです。 Guests would feel uncomfortable if we used too many animal traps.
資金運用の“連続”は、お金が少ない時は注意しましょう。 Pay attention to "Continuous" operations when there is not much money left.
お客様一組は、1~6名様になります。(平均で2名様です) One group of guests is roughly between 1-6 people. (average 2 people)
従業員一人で、(レベル+1)組のお客様をお世話できます。 Single employee can take care of (Level+1) groups of guests.
空いている部屋が多過ぎると、お客様は不安に思うようです。 Guests would feel uncomfortable if we had too many vacant rooms.
提供できる食事の数は、多めに用意する事でお客様に喜ばれます。 Guests would be pleased if they got served large portion meals.